Lexer Combinators
When you write a parser in Haskell, you want to use parser combinators. When you write a lexer, you should use lexer combinators! We’ll see what these are, and how to use them to write a simple lexer.
Parser Combinators
Our starting point is the ubiquitous parser combinator. The idea behind parser combinators is that instead of writing one monolithic parser for some language, we should instead write parsers for very simple languages, and then combine those parsers together into a larger one.
To be able to do this combining, we need some set of operations we can apply to parsers. Let’s go over the fundamental ones:
First, we have some kind of basic parsers we can use as building blocks:
char :: Char -> Parser Char
string :: String -> Parser String
The first parser only accepts a single string, and then returns that as its output. If we wanted our parsers to operate on tokens instead of strings, we would have slightly different building blocks, but the idea is the same.
Then, we have the classic fmap
/ <$>
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
The idea is that we can take a Parser
that accepts some language, producing
some element of type a
, and then get a parser accepting the same language,
but with the output going through a transformation first.
This is extremely useful and common. For example, you might take a parser parsing
an expression surrounded by ()
, and then remove the parentheses using fmap
Then we have an operation for sequencing:
(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
This parser only accepts some string if the first parser accepts one part of it, and the second parser accepts the rest of it. The element we return will be the function returned by the first parser, applied to the element returned by the second parser.
As an example, we can do:
term :: Parser (A, B)
term = (,) <$> parserA <*> parserB
This parser will run the first parser, and the second, returning both results.
Right now we can build large parsers, but all they do is run things in sequence. What we need is to have a parser that accepts the words that work in one parser, or that work in another parser:
(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
The idea is that the language accepted by this new parser consists of strings that are in either the first parser, or the second parser. But what should the result be? If only one parser succeeds, then we should obviously use what the other parser returns. What if both parsers succeed? This is ambiguity in our language. With parser combinators, the idea is to move ambiguity towards the consumer of a combinator. Instead of providing:
runParser :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
which would be unambiguous, we instead provide:
runParser :: Parser a -> String -> [a]
which returns all the possible results for a given string. Ideally, you should design your language in a way that it can be parsed without ambiguity, but the combinator approach doesn’t really provide any canonical way to deal with it should it arise. It just gives you all the results, and lets you try to sort through them if you’d like.
Lexer Combinators
We’ve talked about the fundamental operations, which will be the same for
lexer combinators as well (with the exception of runParser
, which will be
a bit different). We have omitted any discussion of an actual implementation
of these combinators though. While the exact implementation depends on the
specific structure we choose for representing combinators, the fundamental
operators, and the way you use combinators stays the same, so it’s important
to focus on those first.
With that said, here’s the simplest way to represent a parser combinator:
type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)]
The idea is that given a string, we return all the possible ways to produce
a result of type a
, leaving the rest of the string that we’ve yet to consume.
As an example:
char :: Parser Char
char = \case
[] -> []
(c : cs) -> [(c, cs)]
Now, this is for parser combinators, where we want to be able to deal with ambiguity, or at least, not impose any opinion on how we should handle ambiguous languages. On the other hand, when writing a lexer there’s a canonical way to deal with ambiguity: the longest match rule.
Let’s say we have some tokens like this:
data Token = Keyword String | Identifier String
Our keywords might be Keyword "data", Keyword "if"
etc. If we see if
, we know
that that’s a keyword. On the other hand, if we see if32
, we know that that
refers to an identifier. The idea here is that a lexer accepting the string
would leave the 32
part alone, whereas a lexer for identifiers would
accept the entire string. When faced with an ambiguity between these two lexers,
we go with the identifier, because it consumed more input. If two lexers
consume the same amount of input, then we can go with the first alternative.
We’d have to make sure to define things as:
keywords <|> identifiers
to avoid giving identifiers precedence over keywords.
Anyways, because we have an unambiguous way of choosing between alternatives,
we don’t need to use []
to represent ambiguity. A lexer will either fail,
or produce a single result. With this in mind, we can massage the definition
of Parser
to get:
type Lexer a = String -> Maybe (a, String)
So a lexer is a function taking some input, and possible returning a result, along with the rest of the string that it hasn’t consumed.
Let’s go through an implementation of the fundamental operations we mentioned earlier.
First, the venerable fmap
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Lexer a -> Lexer b
fmap f (Lexer l) = Lexer (l >>> fmap (\(a, s) -> (f a, s))
So, we run the lexer on our input, and then fmap
over the resulting Maybe
We leave the remaining input alone, and just modify the result.
Next we have the applicative methods:
pure :: a -> Lexer a
pure a = Lexer (\input -> Just (a, input))
I didn’t mention this function earlier, but it’s also an important one. The idea is that we simply produce some output, without consuming any input at all.
And then to sequence two lexers together:
(<*>) :: Lexer (a -> b) -> Lexer a -> Lexer b
Lexer lF <*> Lexer lA = Lexer <| \input -> do
(f, rest) <- lF input
(a, s) <- lA rest
return (f a, s)
We’re working in the context of Maybe
, so that if any parser fails, then
so does the resulting parser we’re constructing. First we pull out the
function produced by the first lexer, and then we feed the remaining input
to the second parser. Then we have some remaining input, a function, and
an element to apply the function to, so the result is just putting things together.
And now, for alternatives.
First, we have a lexer that accepts no input at all:
empty :: Lexer a
empty = Lexer (const Nothing)
Now, let’s look at choosing between multiple lexers. Remember the longest match rule here. When faced with multiple choices, we pick the element that consumed more input, or the first element if both lexers consumed the same amount:
(<|>) :: Lexer a -> Lexer a -> Lexer a
Lexer lA <|> Lexer lB =
Lexer <| \input -> case (lA input, lB input) of
(Left _, res) -> res
(res, Left _) -> res
(a@(Just (_, restA), b@(Just (_, restB))) ->
if length restA <= length restB then a else b
We look at the results of both lexers, and pick the succeeding one if
only one succeeded. If both lexers work, we pick the one with less input remaining.
The less input remaining, the more the lexer consumed. By using <=
with the first
parser on the left, we’re biased towards the left in case the amount of input
is equal. This enables keywords <|> identifiers
to lex as expected.
Basic Lexers
The fundamental ways of combining operators are here, but what about the building blocks? Let’s go over a few of these:
satisfies :: (Char -> Bool) -> Lexer Char
satisfies p = Lexer <| \input -> case input of
c : cs | p c -> Just (c, cs)
rest -> Nothing
This function lets us match a single character matching a predicate. We
can use this to implement many small lexers, such as
satisfies isUpper, satisfies isAlpha
An immediate application of this function would be:
char :: Char -> Lexer Char
char target = satisfies (== target)
We can then combine this to get a lexer for an entire string:
string :: String -> Lexer String
string = traverse char
Now, traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
, and
works using the pure
and <*>
functions we defined earlier.
Two other useful combinators are:
many :: Lexer a -> Lexer [a]
some :: Lexer a -> Lexer [a]
The first one takes a lexer, and then returns a lexer that runs zero or more times,
and the second one does something similar, but always runs at least once. I don’t
give a definition, because these two functions are actually defined for
any Alternative
, i.e. something implementing empty
and <|>
some l = (:) <$> l <*> many l
many l = some l <|> pure []
An example lexer
At this point, we’ve defined all of the operations we need to define a full lexer for a simple language. This language will just have let expressions:
x = 3;
y = 5;
in x
All whitespace is filtered out, so our tokens look like this:
data Token = Let | In | Equal | Semicolon | Name String | IntLit Int
Then we can have a lexer getting out a single token:
token :: Lexer Token
token = keywords <|> operators <|> name <|> intLit
keywords = (Let <$ string "let") <|> (In <$ string "in")
operators = (Equal <$ char '=') <|> (Semicolon <$ char ';')
name = ((:) <$> startsName <*> (many continuesName))
|> fmap Name
startsName = satisfies isAlpha
continuesName = satisfies isAlphaNum
intLit = some (satisfies isDigit) |> fmap (read >>> IntLit)
To assemble this into a full lexer pulling out many tokens, and ignoring whitespace, we first need to have a lexer producing either a token, or a bit of whitespace:
data RawToken = Whitespace | RawToken Token
rawToken :: Lexer RawToken
rawToken = (Whitespace <$ whitespace) <|> (RawToken <$> token)
whitespace = some (satisfies isSpace)
Now, we need to get a lexer that runs this lexer many times, and filters out the whitespace:
lexer :: Lexer [Token]
lexer = many rawToken |> fmap removeWhitespace
removeWhitespace [] = []
removeWhitespace (Whitespace : rest) = removeWhitespace rest
removeWhitespace (Token t : rest) = t : removeWhitespace rest
And then we can define a simple function that hides the Lexer
type from end
lex :: String -> Maybe [Token]
lex input =
let Lexer l = lexer
in l input |> fmap fst
This will run our lexer on some input, and then pull out the tokens we’ve produced, ignoring the remaining input.
More efficient representations
At this point, we’ve gone over the essentials of what you can do with lexer combinators, but out implementation is a bit slow. For example, in alternation, we have to compare the length of two strings each time, which is a bit slow with Haskell’s default string type. Furthermore, we build up a large closure doing all of the work, when we could use a more efficient representation. For example, building up a finite automaton would give us similar expressive power, but be much faster to execute. There are other strategies that could improve performance as well.
The key to getting more performance while keeping the same ergonomics is to keep the fundamental operations, but instead build up a symbolic representation, that we can then transform into an efficient lexing function:
data Lexer a where
Satisfies :: (Char -> Bool) -> Lexer Char
Fmap :: (a -> b) -> Lexer a -> Lexer b
Pure :: a -> Lexer a
Empty :: Lexer a
Ap :: Lexer (a -> b) -> Lexer a -> Lexer b
Alt :: Lexer a -> Lexer a -> Lexer a
Here we’ve defined a GADT representing the domain specific language we’ve been making use of. We can still build up lexers in the same way, but now the representation of a lexer is purely symbolic. We can then implement:
runLexer :: Lexer a -> String -> Maybe (a, String)
by inspecting this representation, and producing a much more efficient function.
Basically, the idea is that if we had some kind of operation <>
for combining
parsers before, then we have:
newToOld (new1 <> new2) == newToOld new1 <> newToOld new2
So, if we first combine things symbolically, and then interpret things into a concrete-style lexer, then that should be the same thing as combining both concrete style lexers. The difference is that by having everything be symbolic, we can inspect the lexers to implement a much more efficient function, whereas before we were completely trapped, because our representation was the function.
I hope this was a somewhat instructive post about an alternative to parser combinators for doing lexical analysis. The classic reference on parser combinators would be Monadic Parsing in Haskell, Graham Hutton, Erik Meijer . Another library that piqued my interest, although I went with a much simpler exposition here, would be regex-applicative.
I highly recommend reading the original pearl about parser combinators. It’s
very readable, and quite instructive. In practice, I’d recommend using
a library like regex-applicative
, which applies the optimization
principles I mentioned at the end of this post.
That being said, I think building things up from scratch is very instructive :)