Cait-Sith Security (2): Key Sharing
So, there’a few steps to defining key sharing, since we want to reuse some of these intermediate protocols.
Basically, first we define a way to convert additive shares to threshold shares, then a way to do key sharing, but with each of the steps accessible, then we define a way to do key generation, with each step accessible, and then then we can collapse all of the steps by performing them in sequence.
The reason we need this “accessible steps” thing is because other protocols will call them interleaved with other protocols, so we need to be able to analyze this aspect.
As mentioned above, the goal here is to define a protocol for transforming additive shares into threshold shares.
Definition: (Conversion)
We define the following protocol for conversion.
$$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{Convert}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &Z_{j i}, f_i \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace f_i \xleftarrow{\$} \{ f_i \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f_i(0) = 0 \} \cr &\enspace F_i \gets f_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(F_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Commit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitCommit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z_i): }\cr &\enspace \text{Open}_i() \cr &\enspace Z_i \gets z_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \pi_i \gets \text{Prove}_i^\varphi(Z_i; z_i) \cr &\enspace \Rsh_i(\star, (Z_i, \pi_i), 0) \cr &\enspace \Rsh_i(\star, [z_i + f_i(j) \mid j \in [n]], 1) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace F_\bullet \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i() \cr &\enspace (Z_{\bullet i}, \pi_{\bullet i}) \gets \Lsh_i(\star, 0) \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \neg \text{Verify}^\varphi(\pi_{ji}, Z_j) \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 0) \cr &\enspace x_{\bullet i} \gets \Lsh_i(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace x_i \gets \sum_j x_{ji},\ Z \gets \sum_j Z_j, \enspace F \gets Z + \sum_j F_j \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ (\text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor F_j(0) \neq 0) \lor x_i \cdot G \neq F(i): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (x_i, Z) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Z}_i(j): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } Z_{ji} \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \begin{matrix} F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)]\cr \otimes\cr F[\text{SyncComm}]\cr \circledcirc \cr F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix}\cr \cr \text{Leakage} := \{\texttt{stop}\} \end{matrix} } \lhd \mathscr{P}[\text{Commit}] $$
The basic idea behind this protocol is that you first commit to a polynomial you’ll use for the threshold sharing, without committing to the value you want to share. Then, in a later step, you’ll contribute your additive share of the secret value, and send threshold shares using this polynomial.
Next, we get to the ideal functionality this protocol implements. The basic idea is that parties get $z + f(j)$, where $z$ is the secret, and $f$ is a random polynomial. One slight catch is that $f$ isn’t quite random, but rather a random polynomial $f^h$, plus a polynomial $f^m$ to which the adversary must commit in advance, via $f^m \cdot G$.
Definition (Ideal Conversion):
$$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{IdealConvert}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{SetMask}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitMask}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star, z) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Z}_i(j): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{Z}_i(j) \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $F[\text{Convert}]$ }\cr \cr &f^h \xleftarrow{\$} \{f \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f(0) = 0\}\cr &F^m, \text{ready}_{ij}, z_{ij}, x_j \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ \text{SetMask}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{ready}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ (1)\text{Cheat}(F): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F(0) = 0 \land \text{deg}(F) = t - 1 \cr &\enspace F^m \gets F \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(S, m): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 0)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{ready}_{ji} \land (m \to F^m \neq \bot) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_i(S, z_\bullet): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } \exists j.\ \text{ready}_{ij} \cr &\enspace z_{ij} \gets z_j\ (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{CheatShare}(S, \hat{x}_\bullet): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall j \in S.\ \hat{x}_j \cdot G = F^m(j) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j. x_j = \bot: x_j \gets \hat{x}_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(h): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } h: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} x_i \neq \bot \land \forall j. \land z_{ji} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } \sum_j z_{ji} + f^h(i) + x_i \cr &\enspace \texttt{else}: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j \in \mathcal{H}. z_{ji} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } \sum_{j \in \mathcal{H}} z_{ji} + f^h(i) \cr &\underline{ \text{Z}_j(i): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } z_{ij} \cdot G \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{F}^h(): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall i. \exists j. \text{ready}_{ij} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } f^h \cdot G \cr \end{aligned} } }\cr \circledcirc \cr F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix}\cr \cr \text{Leakage} := \{\texttt{stop}\} \end{matrix} } $$
For slight technical reasons, this functionality can’t be reduced to one where the polynomial is simply chosen randomly, although it’s functionally equivalent. This is because the adversary has to effectively commit to their contribution to the random polynomial in advance, before having seen any other information, which thus prevents this contribution from meaningfully affecting the randomness.
In fact, if you have a stronger model of how the group here functions, like the AGM or something, then in fact this would reduce to the standard functionality, because you would be able to extract out the discrete logarithm of the cheating polynomial early. However, to make the analysis more concrete, we instead deal with this annoyance of functionality directly.
For a negligible $\epsilon$, and up to $t - 1$ malicious corruptions, we have: $$ \mathscr{P}[\text{Convert}] \overset{\epsilon}{\leadsto} \mathscr{P}[\text{IdealConvert}] $$
First, $\mathscr{P}[\text{Convert}] \leadsto \mathscr{P}^0$, where $\mathscr{P}^0$ replaces $\mathscr{P}[\text{Commit}]$ with $\mathscr{P}[\text{IdealCommit}]$.
Unrolling, we get:
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^0_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^0_M$ } = 1 \begin{pmatrix} \Rsh_k ,\cr \Lsh_k ,\cr \text{Prove}_k ,\cr \text{Verify} ,\cr \text{SetCommit}_k ,\cr \text{WaitCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Open}_k ,\cr \text{WaitOpen}_k ,\cr \text{Sync}_k ,\cr \text{WaitSync}_k ,\cr \texttt{stop} \end{pmatrix} } \cr \circ \cr F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \otimes F[\text{SyncComm}] \otimes F[\text{Commit}] \otimes F[\text{Sync}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
Next, inline messages to get rid of synchronous communication. Our goal for now is to simplify the communication patterns, merging what’s going on into a functionality.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^1_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace f_i \xleftarrow{\$} \{ f_i \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f_i(0) = s_i \} \cr &\enspace F_i \gets f_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(F_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Commit}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitCommit}_i(\star) \cr &\enspace \text{Sync}_i(\star, 0) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z_i): }\cr &\enspace \text{Open}_i(\star) \cr &\enspace Z_i \gets z_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \pi_i \gets \text{Prove}_i(Z_i; z_i) \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ Z_{ij} \gets Z_i,\ \pi_{ij} \gets \pi_i $} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ x_{ij} \gets z_i + f_i(j) $} \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSync}_i(\star, 0) \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ F_\bullet \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i(\star) $} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j.\ Z_{ji}, \pi_{ji} \neq \bot $} \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor F_j(0) \neq 0 \lor \neg \text{Verify}(\pi_{ji}, Z_{ji}): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{wait}_{(i, 2)} \forall j.\ x_{ji} \neq \bot $} \cr &\enspace x_i \gets \sum_j x_{ji}, \enspace F \gets \sum_j Z_{ji} + \sum_j F_j \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } x_i \cdot G \neq F(i): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 2) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (x_i, F(0)) \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^1_M$ }\cr &\ldots\cr \cr &\underline{ \Rsh_k(S, m_\bullet, 1): }\cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ (Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}) \gets m_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \Rsh_k(S, m_\bullet, 2): }\cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ x_{kj} \gets m_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \Lsh_k(S, 1): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \forall j \in S.\ Z_{jk}, \pi_{jk} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [(Z_{jk}, \pi_{jk}) \mid j \in S] \cr \cr &\underline{ \Lsh_k(S, 2): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 2)} \forall j \in S.\ x_{jk} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [x_{jk} \mid j \in S] \cr \end{aligned} } }\cr \otimes\cr1(\ldots) \end{matrix} \cr \circ \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $F^0$ }\cr \cr &F_i, \text{com}_{ij}, \text{open}_{ij} \gets \bot\cr &\texttt{pub } Z_{ij}, \pi_{ij}, x_{ij} \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_i(F): }\cr &\enspace F_i \gets F \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Commit}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F_i \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{com}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitCommit}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 0)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{com}_{ji} \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F_i \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{open}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true} (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{wait}_{(i, 2)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{open}_{ji} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } F_\bullet \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \otimes F[\text{SyncComm}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
By stopping inside $\Gamma_M$, we can merge the last two messages more easily. Any proof not coming from the prove function is false, except with neglible probability.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^2_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j.\ Z_{ji}, \pi_{ji} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j.\ x_{ji} \neq \bot $} \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor F_j(0) \neq 0 \lor \neg \text{Verify}(\pi_{ji}, Z_{ji}): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^2_M$ }\cr &\ldots\cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ F_k, \mu[\bullet] \gets \bot $}\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_k(F): }\cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ F_k \gets F $} \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_k(F) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Prove}_k(Z;z): }\cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \pi \gets \text{Prove}_k(B;b) $} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \mu[\pi] \gets Z $} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \pi \cr \cr &\underline{ \Rsh_k(S, m_\bullet, 1): }\cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{for } j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}: $} \cr &\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ (Z_j, \pi_j) \gets m_j $} \cr &\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{if } \text{deg}(F_k) \neq t - 1 \lor F_k(0) \neq 0 \lor \mu[\pi] \neq Z_j $} \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{stop}(\{j\}, 1) $} \cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ (Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}) \gets m_j \cr \end{aligned} } }\cr \otimes\cr 1(\ldots) \end{matrix} \cr \circ \cr F^0 \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \otimes F[\text{SyncComm}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
Next, make it so that we open 3 things at once.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^4_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace f_i \xleftarrow{\$} \{ f_i \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f_i(0) = s_i \} \cr &\enspace F_i \gets f_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(F_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Commit}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitCommit}_i(\star) \cr &\enspace \text{Sync}_i(\star, 0) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z_i): }\cr &\enspace Z_i \gets z_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \pi_i \gets \text{Prove}_i(Z_i; z_i) \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \text{Open}_i(\star, Z_i, \pi_i, z_i + f_i(j)) $} \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSync}_i(\star, 0) \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ (F_\bullet, Z_\bullet, \pi_\bullet, x_\bullet) \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i(\star) $} \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor F_j(0) \neq 0 \lor \neg \text{Verify}(\pi_{ji}, Z_{ji}): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace x_i \gets \sum_j x_{ji}, \enspace F \gets \sum_j Z_{ji} + \sum_j F_j \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } x_i \cdot G \neq F(i): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (x_i, F(0)) \cr \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $\Gamma^4_M$ }\cr \cr &\mu[\bullet], \text{open}_{kj}, \text{sync}_{kj}, Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}, x_{kj} \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_k(F): }\cr &\enspace F_k \gets F \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_k(F) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Prove}_k(Z;z): }\cr &\enspace \pi \gets \text{Prove}_k(Z;z) \cr &\enspace \mu[Z] \gets z \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \pi \cr \cr &\underline{ \Rsh_k(S, m_\bullet, 1): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}: \cr &\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ (Z_j, \pi_j) \gets m_j $} \cr &\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{if } \text{deg}(F_k) \neq t - 1 \lor F_k(0) \neq 0 \lor \mu[\pi] \neq Z_j $} \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{stop}(\{j\}, 1) $} \cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ (Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}) \gets m_j \cr &\enspace \text{Open?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \Rsh_k(S, m_\bullet, 2): }\cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ x_{kj} \gets m_j \cr &\enspace \text{Open?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \Lsh_k(S, 1): }\cr &\enspace (\forall j \in \mathcal{H})\ (\bullet, Z_{jk}, \pi_{j k}, \bullet) \gets \texttt{nowait } \text{WaitOpen}_k(\{j\}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 3)} \forall j \in S.\ Z_{jk}, \pi_{jk} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [(Z_{jk}, \pi_{jk}) \mid j \in S] \cr \cr &\underline{ \Lsh_k(S, 2): }\cr &\enspace (\forall j \in \mathcal{H})\ (\bullet, \bullet, \bullet, x_{j k}) \gets \texttt{nowait } \text{WaitOpen}_k(\{j\}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 3)} \forall j \in S.\ x_{jk} \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [x_{jk} \mid j \in S] \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Sync}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ \text{sync}_{kj} \gets \texttt{true} \cr &\enspace \text{Open?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSync}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace o_{kj} \gets \texttt{nowait } \text{WaitOpen}_k(\{j\})\ (j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}) \cr &\enspace o_{kj} \gets \text{sync}_{kj}\ (j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \forall j \in S.\ o_{kj} \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{open}_{kj} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \text{Open?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace (F_j, \bullet, \bullet, \bullet) \gets \text{WaitOpen}_k(S \cap \mathcal{H})\ (j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}.\ \text{open}_{kj} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [F_j \mid j \in S] \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open?}_k(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in \mathcal{H}.\ \text{open}_{kj}, \text{sync}_{kj}, Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}, x_{kj} \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \text{Open}_i(\{j\}, Z_{kj}, \pi_{kj}, x_{kj}) \cr \cr \ldots \end{aligned} } }\cr \otimes\cr1(\ldots) \end{matrix} \cr \circ \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $F^1$ }\cr \cr &F_i, \text{com}_{ij}, \text{open}_{ij} \gets \bot\cr &Z_{ij}, \pi_{ij}, x_{ij} \gets \bot\cr \cr &\ldots\cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ \text{Open}_i(S, Z_\bullet, \pi_\bullet, x_\bullet): }$}\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F_i \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{open}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true} (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S.\ Z_{ij}, \pi_{ij}, x_{ij} = \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace Z_{ij}, \pi_{ij}, x_{ij} \gets Z_j, \pi_j, x_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{open}_{ji} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{return } (F_\bullet, Z_{\bullet i}, \pi_{\bullet i}, x_{\bullet i}) $} \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
This is just a simulation of a protocol $\mathscr{P}_1$ where we need to open along with a proof and shares, simplifying communication substantially.
Let’s unroll again.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^5_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^5_M$ } = 1 \begin{pmatrix} \text{Prove}_k ,\cr \text{Verify} ,\cr \text{SetCommit}_k ,\cr \text{WaitCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Open}_k ,\cr \text{WaitOpen}_k ,\cr \texttt{stop} \end{pmatrix} } \cr \circ \cr F^1 \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
Next, except with negligible probability, we can extract a $z_i$ value because of the ZK proof.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^6_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^6_M$ }\cr &\ldots\cr &\mu[\bullet] \gets \bot\cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ (1)\text{Prove}_k(Z; z): }$}\cr &\enspace \pi \gets \text{Prove}_k(Z; z) \cr &\enspace \mu[\pi] \gets z \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \pi \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}_k(S, Z_\bullet, \pi_\bullet, x_\bullet): }\cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{for } j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}.\ \mu[\pi_j] \cdot G \neq Z_j: $} \cr &\enspace\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{stop }(\{j\}, 1) $} \cr &\enspace \text{Open}_k(S, Z_\bullet, \pi_\bullet, x_\bullet) \cr \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ \cr F^1 \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
Now, we can get rid of the ZK proofs entirely, by adding verification to the functionality itself.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^7_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z_i): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \text{Open}_i(\star, z_i, z_i + f_i(\bullet)) $} \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ (F_\bullet, Z_{\bullet i}, x_{\bullet i}) \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i(\star) $} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor F_j(0) \neq 0: $} \cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^7_M$ }\cr &\ldots\cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \pi_1, \ldots, \pi_n \xleftarrow{\$} \texttt{01}^{\lambda} $}\cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ F_k, m_{ij}, \mu[\bullet] \gets \bot $}\cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_k(F): }$}\cr &\enspace F_k \gets F \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_k(F) \cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ (1)\text{Prove}_k(B; b): }$}\cr &\enspace \mu[\pi_k] \gets b \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \pi_k \cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ \text{Open}_k(S, Z_\bullet, \pi_\bullet, x_\bullet): }$}\cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}.\ \mu[\pi_j] \cdot G \neq Z_j: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop }(\{j\}, 3) \cr &\enspace \forall j \in S.\ m_{kj} \gets \pi_j \cr &\enspace \text{Open}_k(S, \mu[\pi_\bullet], x_\bullet) \cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_k(S): }$}\cr &\enspace (F_\bullet, Z_{\bullet k}, x_{\bullet k}) \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i(\star) \cr &\enspace \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}.\ m_j \gets \pi_j \cr &\enspace \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}.\ m_j \gets m_{j k} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (F_\bullet, Z_{\bullet k}, m_\bullet, x_{\bullet k}) \cr \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $F^2$ }\cr \cr &F_i, \text{com}_{ij}, \text{open}_{ij} \gets \bot\cr &z_{ij}, x_{ij} \gets \bot\cr \cr &\ldots\cr \cr &\colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \underline{ \text{Open}_i(S, z_\bullet, x_\bullet): }$}\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F_i \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{open}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true} (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S.\ z_{ij}, x_{ij} = \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace z_{ij}, x_{ij} \gets z_j, x_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{wait}_{(i, 2)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{open}_{ji} \cr &\enspace \colorbox{bae6fd}{$ \texttt{return } (F_\bullet, z_{\bullet i } \cdot G, x_{\bullet i}) $} \cr \end{aligned} } } \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
At this point, we’re simulating a protocol $\mathscr{P}^2$, which uses this functionality instead of having ZK proofs, and so we can reset and unroll again.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^8_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^8_M$ } = 1 \begin{pmatrix} \text{SetCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Commit}_k ,\cr \text{WaitCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Open}_k ,\cr \text{WaitOpen}_k ,\cr \texttt{stop} \end{pmatrix} } \cr \circ \cr F^2 \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
From this point, we can jump directly to our desired protocol.
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{SetMask}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitMask}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star, z) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $S$ }\cr \cr &\text{left} \gets \mathcal{H}\cr &\text{bad}_k, \text{sampled}_i \gets \texttt{false}\cr &F^m, F_i, \alpha_{ik} \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_k(F): }\cr &\enspace F_k \gets F \cr &\enspace \text{bad}_k \gets \text{deg}(F) \neq t - 1 \lor F(0) \neq 0 \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \forall k \in \mathcal{M}.\ F_k \neq \bot \land F^h = \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace F^m \gets \sum_k F_k \cr &\enspace\enspace \text{Cheat}(F^m) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Commit}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F_k \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{SetMask}_k(S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitCommit}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitMask}_k(S, \texttt{false}) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}_k(S, z_\bullet, x_\bullet): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \text{bad}_k:\ \texttt{stop}(S \cap \mathcal{H}, 1) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}.\ \forall k.\ x_{kj} \neq \bot \land \sum_k x_{kj} \cdot G \neq F^m(j): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\{j\}, 1) \cr &\enspace \text{Share}(S, z_\bullet) \cr &\enspace \text{CheatShare}(S, x_\bullet) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace r_j \gets (F_j, z_{kj} \cdot G, x_{kj})\ (j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}) \cr &\enspace r_j \gets \text{Sim}_k(j)\ (j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } [r_j \mid j \in S] \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Sim}_k(j): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \text{Z}_k(j) \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{left} \gets \text{left} / \{j\} \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } |\text{left}| = 0: \cr &\enspace\enspace Z \gets \sum_{i \in \mathcal{H}} \text{Z}_k(i) \cr &\enspace\enspace F \gets \text{F}^h() - \sum_{i \in \mathcal{H} / \{j\}} F_j \cr &\enspace\enspace x_k \gets \text{WaitShare}_k(\texttt{false}) - \sum_{i \in \mathcal{H} / \{j \}} \alpha_{ik} \cr &\enspace \texttt{else}: \cr &\enspace\enspace (Z, F, x_\bullet) \gets \text{Sample}_k() \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (Z, F(k), x_k) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Sample}_k(j) }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \neg \text{sampled}_j: \cr &\enspace\enspace \text{sampled}_j \gets \texttt{true} \cr &\enspace\enspace Z_j \gets \text{Z}_k(j) \cr &\enspace\enspace f \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \cr &\enspace\enspace F_j \gets f \cdot G \cr &\enspace\enspace F_j(0) \gets 0 \cr &\enspace\enspace \alpha_{jk} \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{F}_q \ (\forall k \in \mathcal{M}) \cr &\enspace\enspace F_j(k) \gets \alpha_{jk} \cdot G - Z_j\ (\forall k \in \mathcal{M}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (Z_j, F_j, \alpha_{j \bullet}) \cr \cr &\ldots \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ \cr F[\text{Convert}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
The main trick used in the simulator here is that all of the shares of the honest parties, save one, can be completely random. All we need to do is ensure that the sum of the honest parties shares corresponds to the honest part generated by the ideal functionality.
Next we look at key sharing, which is like conversion, except that we know our share from the very start of the protocol, allowing us to commit to it, and thus provide stronger guarantees.
We also look at a “split” version, where each phase of the protocol has its own function.
Definition: (Key Sharing) $$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{SplitShare}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace f_i \xleftarrow{\$} \{ f_i \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f_i(0) = z \} \cr &\enspace F_i \gets f_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(F_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Commit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitCommit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{Open}_i() \cr &\enspace \pi_i \gets \text{Prove}_i^\varphi(F_i(0); z_i) \cr &\enspace \Rsh_i(\star, \pi_i, 0) \cr &\enspace \Rsh_i(\star, [f_i(j) \mid j \in [n]], 1) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace F_\bullet \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i() \cr &\enspace \pi_{\bullet i} \gets \Lsh_i(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \neg \text{Verify}^\varphi(\pi_{ji}, F_j(0)) \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 0) \cr &\enspace x_{\bullet i} \gets \Lsh_i(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace x_i \gets \sum_j x_{ji}, \enspace F \gets \sum_j F_j(0) \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{deg}(F_j) \neq t - 1 \lor x_i \cdot G \neq F(i): \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 3) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (x_i, F(0)) \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \begin{matrix} F[\text{SyncComm}]\cr \circledcirc \cr F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix}\cr \cr \text{Leakage} := \{\texttt{stop}\} \end{matrix} } \lhd \mathscr{P}[\text{Commit}] $$
This protocol is basically the same as conversion, just with an earlier secret value.
Thus, the ideal protocol it implements is going to look quite similar:
Definition: (Ideal Key Sharing) $$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{IdealSplitShare}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Set}_i(\star, z, \bot) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $F[\text{SplitShare}]$ }\cr \cr &f^h \xleftarrow{\$} \{f \in \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1} \mid f(0) = 0\}\cr &F^m, \text{ready}_{ij}, z_{ij}, x_j \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Set}_i(S, z, Z): }\cr &\enspace \text{ready}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } z \neq \bot \lor Z \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } z_i, Z_i = \bot \land z \neq \bot:\ z_i \gets z, Z_i \gets z_i \cdot G \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } Z_i = \bot \land z = \bot = :\ Z_i \gets Z \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ (1)\text{Cheat}(F): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } \forall ij.\ \text{ready}_{ij} \land F(0) = 0 \land \text{deg}(F) = t - 1 \cr &\enspace F^m \gets F \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(S, m): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 0)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{ready}_{ji} \land (m \to F^m \neq \bot) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_i(S, z): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } Z_i \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } z_i = \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{assert } z \cdot G = Z_i \cr &\enspace\enspace z_i \gets z \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{CheatShare}(S, \hat{x}_\bullet): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall j \in S.\ \hat{x}_j \cdot G = F^m(j) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j. x_j = \bot: x_j \gets \hat{x}_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(h): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } h: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} x_i \neq \bot \land \forall j. \land z_j \neq \bot \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } \sum_j z_j + f^h(i) + x_i \cr &\enspace \texttt{else}: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j \in \mathcal{H}. z_j \neq \bot \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } \sum_{j \in \mathcal{H}} z_j + f^h(i) \cr &\underline{ \text{Z}(i): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } z_i \cdot G \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{F}^h(): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall i. \exists j. \text{ready}_{ij} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } f^h \cdot G \cr \end{aligned} } }\cr \otimes\cr F[\text{Sync}]\cr \circledcirc \cr F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix}\cr \cr \text{Leakage} := \{\texttt{stop}\} \end{matrix} } $$
For some negligible $\epsilon$ and up to $t - 1$ malicious corruptions, we have:
$$ \mathscr{P}[\text{SplitShare}] \overset{\epsilon}{\leadsto} \mathscr{P}[\text{IdealSplitShare}] $$
$\mathscr{P}[\text{SplitShare}] \leadsto \mathscr{P}^0 \lhd (\mathscr{P}[\text{Commit}] \otimes \mathscr{P}[\text{Convert}])$, as demonstrated by the following:
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &z_i, Z_i \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{SetMask}_i() \cr &\enspace z_i \gets z, Z_i \gets z \cdot G \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(Z_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Commit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitMask}_i() \cr &\enspace \text{WaitCommit}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(z_i) \cr &\enspace \text{Open}_i() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace Z_\bullet \gets \text{WaitOpen}_i() \cr &\enspace x_i \gets \text{WaitShare}_i() \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \exists j.\ \text{Z}_j(i) \neq Z_j: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\star, 1) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } (x_i, \sum_j \text{Z}_j(i)) \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $S$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}'_i(F): }\cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}_i(F(0)) \cr &\enspace \text{SetCommit}'_i(F - F(0)) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}'_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{Open}_i(S) \cr &\enspace \text{Open}'_i(S) \cr \cr &\ldots \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ\cr F[\text{Commit}] \otimes F[\text{Commit}] \otimes F[\text{ZK}(\varphi)] \otimes F[\text{SyncComm}] \otimes F[\text{Sync}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
Then: $$ \mathscr{P}^0 \lhd \ldots \leadsto \mathscr{P}^1 = \mathscr{P}^0 \lhd (\mathscr{P}[\text{IdealCommit}] \otimes \mathscr{P}[\text{IdealConvert}]) $$
Unrolling, we get:
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^0_H$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \ldots \cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^0_M$ } = 1 \begin{pmatrix} \text{SetCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Commit}_k ,\cr \text{WaitCommit}_k ,\cr \text{Open}_k ,\cr \text{WaitOpen}_k ,\cr \text{SetMask}_k ,\cr \text{WaitMask}_k ,\cr \text{Share}_k ,\cr \text{WaitShare}_k ,\cr \text{Z}_k ,\cr \text{Cheat} ,\cr \text{CheatShare} ,\cr \texttt{stop} \end{pmatrix} } \cr \circ \cr F[\text{Convert}] \otimes F[\text{Commit}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
This simulates the desired protocol:
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^1_H$ } = \Gamma^0_H\cr \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $S$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Cheat}(F): }\cr &\enspace F^m \gets F \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{Cheat}(F) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{SetCommit}_k(Z): }\cr &\enspace Z_k \gets Z \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Commit}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } Z_k \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \text{com}_{kj} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \text{Set?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{SetMask}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{ready}_{kj} \gets \texttt{true} \cr &\enspace \text{Set?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Set?}_k(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in \mathcal{H}.\ \text{com}_{kj} \land \text{ready}_{kj}: \cr &\enspace\enspace \text{Set}_k(\{j\}, \bot, Z_k) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitCommit}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 0)} \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}.\ \text{com}_{jk} \cr &\enspace \text{WaitMask}_k(S \cap \mathcal{H}, \texttt{false}) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitMask}_k(S, m): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 0)} \forall j \in \mathcal{S} \cap \mathcal{M}.\ \text{ready}_{jk} \land (m \implies F^m \neq \bot) \cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_k(S \cap \mathcal{H}, m) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Open}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{open}_{kj} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \text{Share?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_k(S, z_\bullet): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } Z_k \neq \bot \cr &\enspace z_{kj} \gets z_j \ (\forall j \in S) \cr &\enspace \text{Share?}_k() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share?}_k() }\cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in \mathcal{H}.\ \text{open}_{kj} \land z_{kj} \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{if } z_{kj} \cdot G \neq Z_k: \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace \texttt{stop}(\{j\}, 1) \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{else}: \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace \text{Share}_k(\{j\}, z_{kj}) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitOpen}_k(S): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}.\ \text{open}_{kj} \cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(k, 1)} \forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}.\ \text{Z}(j) \neq \bot \cr &\enspace r_j \gets Z_j\ (\forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{M}) \cr &\enspace r_j \gets \text{Z}(j)\ (\forall j \in S \cap \mathcal{H}) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } r_\bullet \cr \cr &\ldots \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ \cr F[\text{SplitShare}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
This is quite similar to the previous simulator we had, where we try and aggregate all of the malicious contributions into a single one.
Key Generation
Finally, we apply these ideas to key generation. The basic idea is to do key sharing, but with a random additive share.
Definition (Key Generation):
$$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{SplitGen}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(): }\cr &\enspace z \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{F}_q \cr &\enspace \text{Set}_i(\star, z, \bot) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \cr \end{aligned} } } \end{matrix} } \lhd \mathscr{P}[\text{SplitShare}] $$
The main interest in doing this is that we get a slightly more succinct ideal functionality out of it.
The idea here is that we have a random polynomial $f^h$, which includes the secret value, and the adversary can also add a tweak polynomial $f^m$, This tweak also doesn’t bias the distribution, because it has to be committed to in advance, via $f^m \cdot G$.
Definition (Ideal Key Generation):
$$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{IdealSplitGen}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Set}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Set}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \end{aligned} } } \quad \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $F[\text{SplitGen}]$ }\cr \cr &f^h \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{F}_q[X]_{\leq t - 1}\cr &F^m, \text{ready}_{ij}, x_j \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Set}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{ready}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ (1)\text{Cheat}(F): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } \text{deg}(F) = t - 1 \cr &\enspace F^m \gets F \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_i(S, m): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 0)} \forall j \in S.\ \text{ready}_{ji} \land (m \to F^m \neq \bot) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_i(S): }\cr &\enspace \text{shared}_{ij} \gets \texttt{true}\ (\forall j \in S) \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{CheatShare}(S, z, \hat{x}_\bullet): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F^m \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } z \cdot G = F^m(0) \cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } \forall j \in S.\ \hat{x}_j \cdot G = F^m(j) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j \in S.\ x_j = \bot: x_j \gets \hat{x}_j \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_i(h): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } h: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} x_i \neq \bot \land \forall j. \text{shared}_{ji} \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } f^h(i) + x_i \cr &\enspace \texttt{else}: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{wait}_{(i, 1)} \forall j \in \mathcal{H}. \text{shared}_{ji} \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{return } f^h(i) \cr \cr &\underline{ \textcolor{ef4444}{ \text{F}^h(): } }\cr &\enspace \texttt{wait } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall i.\ \exists j.\ \text{ready}_{ij} \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } f^h \cdot G \cr \end{aligned} } }\cr \circledcirc \cr F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix}\cr \cr \text{Leakage} := \{\texttt{stop}\} \end{matrix} } $$
For some negligible $\epsilon$, and up to $t - 1$ corrupt parties, we have: $$ \mathscr{P}[\text{SplitGen}] \lhd \mathcal{P}[\text{SplitShare}] \overset{\epsilon}{\leadsto} \mathscr{P}[\text{IdealSplitGen}] $$
First, we can jump to a protocol where $\mathcal{P}[\text{SplitShare}]$ has been replaced with $\mathcal{P}[\text{IdealSplitShare}]$, and then appeal to a direct simulation:
$$ \begin{matrix} \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\Gamma^0_H$ } \ldots \end{aligned} } } \otimes \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{bae6fd}{\large $S$ }\cr \cr &\hat{Z}_i \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{G}\cr &F^m, Z_k, z_k, x_i \gets \bot\cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Set}_k(S, z, Z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Set}_k(S) \cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } z\neq \bot \lor Z \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } z_k, Z_k = \bot \land z \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace z_k \gets z \cr &\enspace\enspace Z_k \gets z \cdot G \cr &\enspace \texttt{elif } Z_k \neq \bot \land Z \neq \bot :\ Z_k \gets Z \cr &\enspace \text{Cheat?}() \cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Cheat}(F): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F(0) = 0 \land \text{deg}(F) = t - 1 \cr &\enspace F^m \gets F \cr &\enspace \text{Cheat?}() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Cheat?}() }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \forall k.\ Z_k, F^m \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \text{Cheat}(F^m + \sum_{k \in \mathcal{M}} Z_k) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitSet}_k(S, m): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_k(S, m) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Share}_k(S, z): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } Z_k \neq \bot \cr &\enspace \texttt{if } z_k = \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{assert } z \cdot G = Z_k \cr &\enspace\enspace z_k \gets z \cr &\enspace \text{CheatShare?}() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{CheatShare}_k(S, \hat{x}_\bullet): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{assert } F^m \neq \bot \land \forall j \in S.\ \hat{x}_j \cdot G = F^m(j) \cr &\enspace \texttt{for } j.\ x_j = \bot:\ x_j \gets \hat{x}_j \cr &\enspace \text{CheatShare?}() \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{CheatShare?}(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{if } \forall k \in \mathcal{M}.\ z_k \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace \texttt{for } j.\ x_j \neq \bot: \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace z \gets \sum_k z_k \cr &\enspace\enspace\enspace \text{CheatShare}(\{j\}, z, x_\bullet + z) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{WaitShare}_k(h): }\cr &\enspace \text{WaitShare}_k(h) \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{Z}(i): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{nowait } \text{F}^h(0) - \sum_{i \in \mathcal{H}} \hat{Z}_i \texttt{ if } i = 1 \texttt{ else } \hat{Z}_i \cr \cr &\underline{ \text{F}^h(): }\cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{F}^h() - \text{F}^h(0) \cr \end{aligned} } } \cr \circ \cr F[\text{SplitGen}] \circledcirc F[\text{Stop}] \end{matrix} $$
The core thing the simulator needs to accomplish is to fold the $Z$ value into the $F^m$ value, which now needs to hold both the contribution to the secret value, and to the secret sharing.
We also need to simulate an honest polynomial without the secret $0$ value.
As a final note, the actual key sharing protocol one might use in practice directly doesn’t expose each individual functionality, instead calling them in sequence:
$$ \boxed{ \begin{matrix} \colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $\mathscr{P}[\text{KeyShare}]$ }\cr \cr \boxed{ \small{ \begin{aligned} &\colorbox{FBCFE8}{\large $P_i$ }\cr \cr &\underline{ (1)\text{Share}_i(z): }\cr &\enspace \text{Set}_i(\star, z, \bot) \cr &\enspace \text{WaitSet}_i(\star, \texttt{true}) \cr &\enspace \text{Share}_i(\star) \cr &\enspace \texttt{return } \text{WaitShare}_i(\texttt{true}) \cr \end{aligned} } } \end{matrix} } \lhd \mathscr{P}[\text{SplitShare}] $$
This protocol should match the one implemented in the specification, although with less modularity, naturally.